Sunday, March 6, 2016

Personal Revolution

It’s been a while since my last blog post. I have been redefining my priorities and I regret to admit they weren’t exactly the direction I wanted to go. I think I have it figured out. Though with me who knows for sure. I have felt that way a lot in the past. There is no one true absolute right answer. I am starting week 4 of consistent running. This is a huge thing as this is the first time I have made it through week 3. I started yoga. Okay, it’s been one class, but it’s a start!! The more I push forward the stronger I become and the more that I come to realize that I am a beautiful person, something that I have been fighting to believe for a long time. When people treat you like you are unimportant scum for a long time you come to believe it and it takes time to change your opinion of yourself. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I’m going to come out on top in the end. 
So what does this post have to do with running? It’s about how important mentally running is to me. When I decided to take on going to school and working two jobs I had convinced myself that I would have no time for running because other things (paid work and school work) were more important. That is absolutely a lie. I figured that out a few weeks in. I am more important. My physical health and my mental well-being are more important. I can take 30-40 minutes a day to work on me. The mental effects were quick; the physical effects are just starting to show. 
Running for me is a mental release from the day. For me it is so much better to run in the morning. When I run before I go to work it makes getting through all the stressors of the day so much easier. I feel like I am calmer, more in control of my day. I am happier when I work with my patients and my coworkers. Now it’s time to work on eating healthier and getting more into my spiritual side, which I feel is released also by running. I want to do a lot more trail running, to release my tensions in the woods where I feel so at home and at peace. Nature is my “church”, my playground… As a wiccan I may not have the same beliefs that other people do, but in truth we are all just looking for what makes us happy, and free. There is so much I want to accomplish with my life and now that I know where my priorities need to lie I can stop living my life for others and start living it for myself. I can do that by running, through yoga, through spending more time with the people who make me feel happy, loved, and whom bring out my true personality—not the persona I feel like I need to put on to get ahead. I can continue to teach, continue to learn, continue to grow. The road may be steep, the path may be dark, and your body may be tired, but you will always find your way if you are determined. Determination builds strength of character and in that you will find your way “home”. 

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